The Arc of Spokane project involves the interior remodel/renovation of an existing 21,631 sf office and maintenance building. Formerly the headquarters for the Inland Power and Lights utility company, the building was designed to provide office space and service vehicle bays. The renovation project improves...
College Place High School is the first emerging high school in the State of Washington since 2003. Designing a High School in a district that did not previously have 9-12th grade programs represented both a unique challenge and opportunity. A primary goal of the district...
The work for Spokane Valley Tech included renovation of 14,238 sf of interior space to create classroom lab spaces for Biomed, Computer Science, Entrepreneurship, and Sports Medicine. Improvements also included new administrative office space as well as partial improvements to the unfinished circulation plaza, including lighting, painting, and...
Architects West provided planning and design services to Wapato School District for the Wapato High School Additions & Modernizations project. The work was sequenced in multiple phases and included the renovation of 43,575 sf and 119,294 sf of new construction....